Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property db::$querynum is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/ on line 1413

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property db::$database is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/ on line 1414

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property db::$Stmt is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/ on line 1453

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property db::$Sql is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/ on line 1454


来源:爱游戏app官网    发布时间:2024-10-06 03:45:23



  点击我为您语音播报); $(.anan-box .kangkang-img-box).fadeOut(300); $(.anan-box .anan-img-box).delay(300).fadeIn(300); anankangkang = 0; heidGifBox(); speckcancel(); } //}, 1000); }); // 回到顶部 $(.goto-top).click(function () { window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: smooth }); }); }); // 躲藏gif盒子 function heidGifBox() { kangkangGifShow = 0; ananGifShow = 0; $(.anan-box .kangkang-img).show(); $(.anan-box .kangkangGif).hide(); $(.anan-box .anan-img).show(); $(.anan-box .ananGif).hide(); } //开端语音播报 function speckText(aakk) { if (issupport) { var strtitle = $(.detaTit h1).text(); var strtitle1 = $(.details h2).text(); // var strcontent = $(#fontzoom>

  点击我为您语音播报); $(.anan-box .kangkang-img-box).fadeOut(300); $(.anan-box .anan-img-box).delay(300).fadeIn(300); anankangkang = 0; heidGifBox(); speckcancel(); } //}, 1000); }); // 回到顶部 $(.goto-top).click(function () { window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: smooth }); }); }); // 躲藏gif盒子 function heidGifBox() { kangkangGifShow = 0; ananGifShow = 0; $(.anan-box .kangkang-img).show(); $(.anan-box .kangkangGif).hide(); $(.anan-box .anan-img).show(); $(.anan-box .ananGif).hide(); } //开端语音播报 function speckText(aakk) { if (issupport) { var strtitle = $(.detaTit h1).text(); var strtitle1 = $(.details h2).text(); // var strcontent = $(#fontzoomp).text(); var strcontent = $(#fontzoom).html(); strcontent = strcontent.replace(//g, ).replace(, ).replace(, ); console.log(strcontent); if (true == false) strcontent = ; let utterThis = new window.SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); utterThis.text = strtitle + + strtitle1 + + strcontent; //播映内容 utterThis.pitch = 2; //表明说线 utterThis.rate = 1; //语速,数值,默认值是1,规模是0.1到10 utterThis.volume = 100; // 声响的音量 window.speechSynthesis.speak(utterThis); utterThis.addEventListener(end, function () { speckplayEnd(aakk); }); var bbHtml = jQuery(.tip-box).html(); var bbHtml1 = jQuery(.tip-box2).html(); bbHtml = bbHtml.replace(点击我为您语音播报, 点击我封闭语音播报); bbHtml1 = bbHtml1.replace(点击我为您语音播报, 点击我封闭语音播报); jQuery(.tip-box).html(bbHtml); jQuery(.tip-box2).html(bbHtml1); } } //手动完毕语音播报 function speckcancel() { window.speechSynthesis.cancel(); var bbHtml = jQuery(.tip-box).html(); var bbHtml1 = jQuery(.tip-box2).html(); bbHtml = bbHtml.replace(点击我封闭语音播报, 点击我为您语音播报); bbHtml1 = bbHtml1.replace(点击我封闭语音播报, 点击我为您语音播报); jQuery(.tip-box).html(bbHtml); jQuery(.tip-box2).html(bbHtml1); } //播报完毕主动调用 function speckplayEnd(aakk) { if (aakk == aa) { $(.anan-box .anan-img-box).click(); $(.anan-box .anan-img).show(); $(.anan-box .ananGif).hide(); ananGifShow = 0; speckcancel(); } else { $(.kangkang-img).show(); $(.kangkangGif).hide(); kangkangGifShow = 0; speckcancel(); } } //脱离页面后完毕播报 window.addEventListener(beforeunload, function (event) { speckcancel(); });

